Hunting - To Search; To Seek; An Endeavor To Find

This is my father, Stephen Esguerra. He has been hunting for a little over two decades now. 

This was me (and my mom) a little over two decades ago. 

Until recently, hunting was just something my dad did every winter with his close buddies. To the younger me who grew up in New York City, it all just seemed to be “old-guy” stories heard upon the numerous returns from northern New York state. It was also just photographs that had been captured during various seasons and trips. In hindsight those stories are some of the coolest (funniest) stories that my dad has ever told me. Those photographs may be just memories of my dads life to him, but to me its an opportunity to just catch a glimpse of the places and events that I never got to be at while I was kid. As one who grew up in the “digital age” with a love for photography, these photos mean a great deal to me. My dad grew up taking many photos as well. Perhaps that is where my interests stem from. Slowly over the years I tend to always appreciate the photos he has taken more and more. Photos of life then in the Philippines as well as the early years in America. Photos of our big family and all our family parties and also, photos of my sister and mom. Unfortunately this weekend I was not able to go hunting. I took the time to scan and touch up some 35mm photos from my dad’s hunting albums while he was away. I thought he might enjoy reliving some memories again. Dad if you’re reading this on your Ipad, I hope you enjoy!

“A hunt based only on trophies taken falls far short of what the ultimate goal should be.. time to commune with your inner soul as you share the outdoors with the birds, animals, and fish that live there.” - Fred Bear, famous American Bow Hunter. Now I’m no professional hunter or anything close to it. I’ve actually only gone twice throughout all my 21 years. But just from stories and photographs I’ve heard from my father over the years, hunting seems to be more than just sitting out in the woods with a rifle. It’s time that is spent. Time spent being one with nature in areas that have seen little to no interaction with people. Time spent away from the 9-5 job. Time spent with some of the closest friends, talking and eating good food. Time spent making memories and stories to last a life time. Time spent taking part in something great that is passed down to ones children and hopefully their childrens childrens. It’s time well spent. I hope for the same with me. Many more seasons with good company as well as my own children someday. Thanks dad for teaching me everything I know so far in life and for bringing me to all the cool places. 

The following photographs were taken by me, during the 2014 rifle season.

Hardships are quickly forgotten. Intense heat, bitter cold, rain and snow, fatigue, and luckless hunting fade quickly into memories of great fellowship, thoughts of beautiful country, pleasant camps, and happy campfires.
— Fred Bear

Marcus Xavier


November 8th Comedy Show