A Benefit Show for Branden Jay Enriquez

Holy Rosary of Staten Island, New York

Hosts: Kevin Mascarinas & Carlyn Valera
Speeches by: Lex & Jordan Enriquez, Daniel Fausto
Featured Products: ALesserEvil, Marcus Allen Design, TrollBead

Music by DJ Mackee - @DJ Mackee
Performances by:
The Seasonals 
Jamie Deleon
Reach Out & Viibe dance crew
Kristian Espiritu
Mercedes Ruiz
Katrina Endozo & dance crew
Lianah Sta. Ana

Thank you to everyone who came out to support my cousin. For the full story behind Branden Enriquez's journey to recovery: https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/lyn4/team-branden-s-recovery-fund

(For anyone photo reposts, please credit Stephen Esguerra Photography/ @StephenEsguerra via Instagram. Thank you!)


241 Indies St. Volume 3


Jewel & Judah & Leah